Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Family update!

Hello All!
I didn't realize I haven't written anything about bret in my blog since two weeks after we brought that bundle of joy home. I'm terrible at this. I'll do better.
Jaron and I are really getting the hang of this whole parenting thing:) It was scary at first because they handed bret to us and said farewell lol. The only reason we are still sane and not sleep deprived is because Bret is the most amazing baby! He has always slept through the night for us, always a happy baby and rarely has a bad fussy day. Jaron and I both agree that becomeing parents was the best thing that has happened to us! Bret brings amazing joy into our household!
The social workers that we have had have been really good too! They have been very positive and gotten things done quickly. We also have Debbie, brets physical therepist come into our home once a month to check on Bret's feet and development of his body. She has said nothing but good things about Bret. His development is ridiculously amazing for what he went through during the pregnancy.
Bret also had visitation once a week with his great-grandparents. That was a wonderful visit for both of us. They are a great christian couple and was able to give us information about bret's bio mother. We formed a friendship with them and are excited to have them be available to Bret as positive bio family. The visits did end about a month ago because we are so close to the adoption date.

Now this is the time we need our Prayer warriors! This kind of things happen when the adoption date gets closer.....Bio family tend to get scared and try thier last ditch effort to get the child back.
Bret's Bio father has gone back and forth with wanting his rights taken away to trying to fight for Bret. We have gone through this whole process without having any hiccups (which is unusual), until now. The social worker said it is very unlikely that the father will be able to get Bret back because of how he is living his life right now. If he continues to fight he can prolong the adoption process for another 9months-1 yr! His next court date is in January. The court will hopefully be taking his rights away, if he doesn't fight it the adoption could be finalized within a couple months!
Jaron and I are trusting God through this hard news and praying that we will have peace about the whole situation....but I have to be honest....having the fear of your boy getting taken away scares the crap out of me! My heart breaks everytime I think about it.
Jaron and I really need your prayers during this time. We knew the foster/adoption process was going to be emotional but we werent ready for this.
I will definitely keep you guys updated.

1 comment:

  1. Loving thoughts and prayers sent your way....I seem to have the prayer, cry and venting , support are welcome anytime for any reason!
