Alli( violets social worker) called me a couple weeks ago letting us know that they are moving the court hearing up by 6 months, they are going to change it from reunification with the parents to terminating the parents rights. This type of court hearing doesnt happen until the child is atleast 1 year old. The reason they are moving it so soon is because there is no way these parents can take care of a baby. The mother is able but according to the state she is a danger to violet. The father was born retarded and he needs another brain in the house to even function. so he will never be able to care for a child by himself. The court date is Feb 16th! If everything goes well, meaning, the court agrees that they need to find a permanent home for violet then Jaron and I will be getting her within a couple months after that. Since Jaron and I are foster parents we are able to get her sooner:) Side note-Violet is just under 5 months now:) There is one little scary part. Alli has one blood family member of violets that she is going to call soon to see if they have any interest in violet. If they want her Jaron and I will lose any ties we have with violet and we wont be able to fight for her because this family member is blood related. Please continue to Pray for us! These next few months are going to be the scariest and hardest. Pray for our emotions. Pray that we continue to seek the Lords will.
Cool, Danae.